Editor's Comment

Welcome to issue 30 of NR Times

“I really struggle to take any compliments of any form. I don’t see what I have done as being anything different to what anyone else could have done.

It’s no big deal” This quote from Sean Dolan, the hugely inspirational primary school teacher, charity fundraiser and brain injury survivor who we interview in this issue of NR Times, makes me smile.

For him, and for so many other survivors, as well as those professionals who deliver such selfless and outstanding care and support, they believe they are doing nothing particularly special.

To them, they’re just doing their job, or just getting on with their lives. But to the rest of us, what Sean and so many others across the world of brain injury and neuro-rehab are doing is amazing. Truly awe-inspiring and most certainly a “big deal”.

For me, that quote sums up everything about the NR Times Awards, and why we wanted to shine a light on those whose efforts and achievements so often go under the radar. We are privileged in our roles at NR Times to interview survivors, professionals, fundraisers, volunteers and so many more people whose determination and commitment leaves us amazed.

Neuro-rehab is not an easy area to work in - far from it - and those delivering the care, support, therapy and interventions which are changing lives regularly work long hours and hard shifts to change lives for the better.

Outstanding dedication and the highest standards of neuro-rehab provision can truly change lives - and we wanted to recognise those who really are delivering this, those whose innovation and commitment are creating a more positive future. So in this issue, we are immensely proud to share with you the winners of the NR Times Awards 2023.

From the scores of submissions came the shortlists; and from those lists of outstanding entries have come the winners, as well as others who are named as ‘highly commended’ and ‘commended’.

Our judging panel readily admitted that in all 11 categories they judged - with one being a result of the public vote - they faced an unenviable task.

"How am I supposed to pick a winner?!,” was a frequent remark, amidst so many genuinely excellent entries. But for our winners and everyone who made the shortlists, most of whom will see their role as doing ‘nothing different’ to what anyone else would do, we are proud to highlight your contribution.

Congratulations to everyone - we thank you for your efforts.

Deborah Johnson, editor, NR Times