The MetaMotus™ Galileo: Fourier Intelligence's Game-Changer in Advanced Rehabilitation Technology

Spanning a luminous career that weaves through two transformative decades in robotics and rehabilitation, Zen Koh has emerged as a leader and a visionary in the field. His foresight and unparalleled expertise breathed life into the ground-breaking MetaMotus™ Galileo.

With a hand firmly on the pulse of innovation, Koh masterfully steered his team to infuse the pioneering spirit of Rehabilitation 4.0 into the very DNA of this platform. Under his astute guidance, the MetaMotus™ Galileo transcended conventional boundaries, evolving into an open, dynamic ecosystem that champions collaboration and spearheads growth in the rehabilitation technology landscape.

This isn't just a product; it's a testament to what visionary leadership and relentless innovation can achieve, setting a new benchmark for the future of rehabilitation.

Here are some key things to know about the MetaMotus™ Galileo:

What is the MetaMotus™ Galileo?

The MetaMotus™ Galileo is a pioneering platform that blends the worlds of virtual reality with advanced rehabilitation robotics. This innovative system integrates the science of movement, rehabilitation techniques, and sports science to offer patients and healthcare professionals a unique and practical recovery experience.

At its core, the MetaMotus™ Galileo is designed to make rehabilitation more interactive and engaging, providing a safe space for healing and progress. It represents a leap forward in approaching recovery, using cutting-edge technology to support and enhance the rehabilitation journey. This platform is not just about using new tools; it's about opening a world of possibilities for better, faster, and more enjoyable recovery processes.

Expanding Horizons: The MetaMotus™ Galileo's Multifaceted Clinical and Research Frontiers

The MetaMotus™ Galileo transcends traditional boundaries to offer an inclusive, open platform that welcomes everyone—from wheelchair users to individuals with prosthetic limbs. This pioneering system is engineered to craft personalised rehabilitation experiences by seamlessly amalgamating cutting-edge technologies.

At its heart lies a sophisticated 6-DoF Stewart platform and a precision-engineered 6-component force plate, complemented by an 8K UHD LED curved screen that envelops patients in immersive virtual landscapes. The dual-belt treadmill, dynamic weight support system, and a state-of-the-art motion capture setup work in concert to offer a holistic, adaptive rehabilitation environment.

Further enhancing its capability, the MetaMotus™ Galileo incorporates advanced rehabilitation robotics alongside versatile exercise therapy equipment, all orchestrated through intuitive human-computer interaction software. This integration paves the way for tailored therapeutic solutions. It sets a new standard for rehabilitation technology, fostering a future where recovery is not just possible but empowered, engaging, and profoundly transformative.

Diverse Applications: The MetaMotus™ Galileo is crafted with precision and a forward-thinking approach. This platform heralds a new era of therapeutic possibilities, stretching across rehab training, motor assessment, and robotic testing. Each application showcases the platform's adaptability and capacity to revolutionise patient care and research methodologies

Rehabilitation Training: At the core of its offerings, the MetaMotus™ Galileo redefines rehabilitation training. From the nuanced robotics-assisted exercises tailored for both upper and lower limbs to specialised wheelchair training programs, the platform offers an expansive repertoire. Dynamic balance training and prosthetic adaptation sessions are meticulously designed to restore mobility and enhance quality of life. Moreover, gait retraining programs are integrated to assist patients in reclaiming their natural walking patterns, embodying a holistic approach to physical rehabilitation.

Motor Assessment: Beyond training, the MetaMotus™ Galileo excels in comprehensive motor assessment, providing invaluable insights into patient progress and capabilities. Utilising cutting-edge technology, therapists can now accurately measure and analyse the nuances of motor function, paving the way for personalised treatment plans that address each patient's specific needs.

Robotic Testing: The platform also ventures into robotic testing, serving as a critical tool for advancing rehabilitation technologies. By simulating a wide range of motion and functional tasks, the MetaMotus™ Galileo facilitates the development and refinement of robotic aids, ensuring that these innovations are both practical and aligned with the real-world needs of patients.

Innovative Applications:

Setting the MetaMotus™ Galileo apart is its advanced Galileo X processor, a technological marvel that expands its utility into areas such as exposure therapy for PTSD, offering a new avenue for treating psychological conditions with immersive experiences. Furthermore, the platform's capability for real-time multimodal data analysis stands as a cornerstone for research, enabling a deeper understanding of rehabilitation outcomes and fostering the development of ground-breaking treatment protocols.

As the MetaMotus™ Galileo weaves these diverse applications into a comprehensive rehabilitation ecosystem, it empowers therapists and researchers alike. The platform not only facilitates the creation of innovative protocols and treatments but also promises a future where the boundaries of rehabilitation are continually expanded, offering hope and improved outcomes for patients around the globe.


Revolutionising Patient Independence: The MetaMotus™ Galileo's Path to Recovery and Reintegration:

The MetaMotus™ Galileo transforms the journey towards patient autonomy and societal reintegration. This cutting-edge platform transcends traditional rehabilitation methods by equipping patients with the skills and confidence needed to navigate the complexities of real-life scenarios. The MetaMotus™ Galileo is a pivotal tool in bridging the gap between clinical recovery and real-world independence through its comprehensive patient assessment and training capabilities.

Tailored Training for Real-World Readiness:

At the heart of the MetaMotus™ Galileo's approach is its commitment to preparing patients for the diverse challenges they will face outside the healthcare environment. The platform's immersive training programs are meticulously designed to simulate real-life situations, ranging from navigating busy streets to managing tasks within the home. This realistic approach ensures that patients are not only physically prepared but also psychologically equipped to tackle the demands of daily life with confidence and self-reliance.

Empowering Functional Independence:

Beyond physical rehabilitation, the MetaMotus™ Galileo emphasises functional independence. The platform addresses each patient's unique needs by integrating advanced technologies and personalised training protocols, fostering skills that extend beyond mobility. Whether mastering public transportation, managing personal finances, or performing job-related tasks, the MetaMotus™ Galileo equips patients with the comprehensive skill set required for a successful transition back into society.

A Bridge to Societal Reintegration:

The impact of the MetaMotus™ Galileo extends far beyond the walls of rehabilitation centres. The platform is crucial in helping patients reclaim their place in society by focusing on real-life applications and functional independence. For recovering from injuries, transitioning from patient to active community member is made smoother and more achievable. The MetaMotus™ Galileo not only restores physical capabilities but also rebuilds lives, enabling individuals to return to their roles as productive, engaged members of society.

The Future of Rehabilitation:

As the MetaMotus™ Galileo continues to redefine the landscape of rehabilitation, its role in fostering patient independence and societal reintegration becomes increasingly apparent. Through its innovative approach and patient-centred design, the platform accelerates the recovery process and ensures that patients are equipped to face the challenges of the outside world. The MetaMotus™ Galileo doesn't just aim to heal; it strives to empower, setting a new standard for rehabilitation that prioritises autonomy, dignity, and a seamless return to everyday life.

Elevating Design in Rehabilitation: The MetaMotus™ Galileo's Award-Winning Innovation:

The MetaMotus™ Galileo has garnered prestigious accolades that speak volumes of its innovation and impact on the rehabilitation landscape. Awarded the Good Design Award 2023 and the Shanghai International Design 100+ Award, the MetaMotus™ Galileo has not only set a new benchmark in rehabilitation technology but also in design excellence, underscoring the importance of integrating aesthetic and functional considerations in medical innovations.

A Testament to Innovative Excellence:

The Good Design Award 2023 recognised the MetaMotus™ Galileo for its user-centric design, which combines cutting-edge technology with ease of use, ensuring that patients and healthcare providers interact with the platform as intuitively and effectively as possible. This accolade highlights the platform's ability to merge sophisticated technology with practical applications, making advanced rehabilitation accessible and manageable.

Shaping the Future of Rehabilitation:

Similarly, the Shanghai International Design 100+ Award celebrated the MetaMotus™ Galileo for its visionary approach to design in the medical field. The award acknowledges the platform's innovative design significantly enhances the rehabilitation experience, offering a seamless blend of form and function. By prioritising user experience, the MetaMotus™ Galileo paves the way for a future where technology and design work hand in hand to deliver superior care and outcomes.

Design That Empowers:

Beyond its technological prowess, the MetaMotus™ Galileo's design philosophy emphasises empowerment. Each element, from its intuitive interfaces to the ergonomics of its rehabilitation equipment, is meticulously crafted to instil confidence in users, facilitating a more engaged and proactive rehabilitation process. The platform's design ensures that patients are not merely passive recipients of care but active participants in their journey towards recovery and independence.

A Milestone in Clinical and Research Applications:

The recognition from the Good Design Award and the Shanghai International Design 100+ Award underscores the MetaMotus™ Galileo's role as a trailblazer in rehabilitation. Its award-winning design enhances clinical applications by providing an engaging and efficient environment for recovery and opens new avenues for research into optimising rehabilitation practices.

Redefining Rehabilitation Through Design:

As the MetaMotus™ Galileo continues to receive accolades for its design and functionality, it stands as a beacon of innovation in the rehabilitation sector. These awards are not just a recognition of the platform's aesthetic appeal but a testament to the profound impact thoughtful design can have on improving patient outcomes and advancing the field of rehabilitation. The MetaMotus™ Galileo represents the future of rehabilitation, where technology and design converge to create solutions that are as effective as they are inspiring.