The importance of specialisms in case management

Breakthrough Case Management brings together a host of healthcare disciplines, to give clients the best possible highly specialist service and to enable referrers to match their skillset to the specific needs of the case. 

Here, midwife and case manager Matilda Barry discusses the importance of her specialism in supporting pregnant clients

After complex and often life-changing injury, the challenges for a client are many. Physically and psychologically, this can be a particularly difficult time for both them and their family, and the route to rehabilitation is rarely straightforward. 

However, the addition of pregnancy into a client’s case can be especially challenging, with all of the additional considerations that will bring to their ongoing rehabilitation, but most importantly to ensure the health of both the mother and their baby. 

In such circumstances, where an expectant mother suffers both physical and psychological impact, it is vital that experts are appointed as case managers, to ensure the woman and her family receive the bespoke support they need during pregnancy and beyond.

This is a key factor in case manager Matilda Barry being appointed by referrers to support their clients through such an unknown time, capitalising on Matilda’s significant experience as a midwife and health visitor to deliver another layer of knowledge and understanding to rehabilitation. 

Throughout her 20-year career, Matilda shares that she has experienced a huge variety of situations, both before and after birth, which means her expertise is wide-ranging and her ability to deal with the specific circumstances of injured expectant mothers - as well as injured babies - is rare within the world of case management. 

“I have seen so many situations over the years and the unexpected can happen. Nothing fazes me and I understand the specific needs of new and expectant mothers, so will support them as a case manager whatever the eventuality,” she says.

Matilda Barry

Matilda Barry

In one case - where Matilda was appointed on the strength of the unrivalled expertise she could offer the client - a pregnant woman was injured in a car accident. 

In addition to arranging her highly specialist rehabilitation - which was adapted to her changing needs throughout her pregnancy and after birth - Matilda also oversaw factors which also supported her husband and wider family ahead of their impending new arrival, including finding a decorator to continue with the nursery decoration, as well as finding a cleaner and dog walker to help with daily tasks. 

“The client could no longer do the day-to-day jobs, and her husband found himself overwhelmed with the increased burden. So, by helping on a very practical level, we can help to make real changes to their lives,” says Matilda. 

Matilda’s extensive experience in delivering babies and supporting mothers before, during and after births means she is a passionate advocate of women’s choice and supporting them to achieve the birth they want. 

“Just because a person has an injury does not mean they do not have a choice,” says Matilda. 

“I have delivered a lot of babies over the years and am passionate about the fact that we should respect a person’s autonomy to choose but do that in a realistic way. If a woman’s injuries are such that a natural birth isn’t possible, then we have to revise things and explore alternatives.

“But if a woman wants a natural birth, and the circumstances mean it is safe for them to do so, then I will absolutely support her in that.” 

Annabelle Lofthouse, CEO of Breakthrough, says Matilda’s specialism is a stand-out feature for referrers. 

“Midwives and health visitors moving into case management are relatively rare, but in situations where a personal injury lawyer wants very bespoke support and deep understanding for their client’s needs, such specific expertise is absolutely invaluable,” says Annabelle, whose own background is in nursing. 

“Matilda’s two-decades of experience in frontline support of new and expectant mothers adds a whole new dimension to the level of support a case manager routinely provides to pregnant women - and that is replicated throughout Breakthrough in a range of different specialisms. 

“Through our very diverse mix of disciplines - which range from paediatric nurses to GPs, mental health experts to OTs and physios - we are able to meet the exact needs of clients with very specialist requirements.

"The extensive knowledge and skill we have at Breakthrough can benefit each and every one of our clients, with seasoned healthcare professionals being on-hand within our wider team to advise in their respective fields, sharing knowledge in pursuit of outstanding results for all clients. 

“This breadth of experience and expertise is unrivalled, and we are appointed by solicitors on that basis. The level of insight that someone like Matilda can offer is invaluable to a referrer, and we’re really proud to offer such a wide-ranging skill mix.”

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